Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Peak - Portfolio WordPress Theme

Peak - Portfolio WordPress Theme - Portfolio Creative


Peak is a clean and powerful portfolio WordPress theme with a brilliant Tumblog. Whether your a photographer, an artist, a web designer or a really creative person, Peak is great way to showoff your work.

Note: Peak now works with both PHP 5.2 and PHP 5.3! ( Peak v1.3)

Tumblog (Post Formats)

Peak has built-in support for WordPress post formats. Easily create a tumblog featuring images, videos, quotes, galleries, audio and more. Of course using the post formats is optional and you can opt for a standard blog.

Portfolio Templates

Peak includes 12 different portfolio templates for your portfolio categories. You should have no problem finding a template to display your work. You choose the templates for each category and each individual post.

Customizable Front Page

Easily create a home page that fits your needs with our customizable front page template. You can display an intro in two locations, a gallery, up to 6 content blocks, up to 9 blog posts and a prominent link to your portfolio.

Theme Features

  • Customizable Front Page

  • 12 + 3 Portfolio Template

  • 10 Blog Post Formats

  • 6 Color Combinations

  • 6 Page Layouts

  • Plenty of Shortcodes

  • Rock-solid Framework

  • Language Options

  • Advanced Head Options

  • And much more…

Having Trouble? Need Help?

Please visit our support forum if you have a question or need help. You will need your purchase code to create an account in our forum.

How To Find Purchase Code


March 22, 2012 (v1.4)

Theme : Peak
Version : 1.4.1
Author : WPBandit - http://wpbandit.com

.: March 30 2012 (v1.4.1) :.
- Add missing meta field to Front Page (Alternate) template

.: March 21 2012 (v1.4) :.
- Internationalization support
- Ability to use portfolio template as front page of site
- Added social module to manage social media links
- Restructure templates to better support child themes
- Updated theme library to support latest version of Feather
- Replace deprecated WordPress functions
- Added favicon option

.: September 23 2011 (v1.3) :.
- Re-added support for PHP 5.2
- Moved framework to plugin (Feather)
- Minor template updates
- Use built-in version of jQuery provided by WordPress
- Adjust javascript to reduce conflicts
- Fix stripping of <script> tag from analytics script
- Minor optimizations for iPad/iPhone
- Allow shortcodes in [column] shortcode
- Option to reset language options

.: August 23 2011 (v1.2.2) :.
- Modified image post format to auto-display single attached images
- Rewrote validate options function due to issues on certain web hosts
- Polished post format icon and made menu cleaner
- Flush rewrite rules when updating portfolio options

.: August 15 2011 (v1.2.1) :.
- Updated framework to v1.4
- Fixed maintenance mode option
- Delete dynamic images when deleting attachment
- Add alternative portfolio thumbnail option w/ TimThumb
- Set default portfolio thumbnail if not set
- Restructured admin settings
- Fixed comment reply padding, removed comment header for replies
- Fixed slider design elements after feedback, included old image elements as resources
- Added logo replacement feature in admin panel
- Added TimThumb option, portfolio thumbnail replacement
- Added input field portfolio thumbnail replacement (for exact-size images)
- Video support added for portfolio
- Added alternative front page slider template
- Added option for lightbox

.: August 07 2011 (v1.1) :.
- Change like-count bind method to live
- Fixed comment form fields width when replying to comment

.: August 05 2011 (v1.0) :.
- Theme released

Tumblog section inspired by the Tori Tumblr Theme and Tobias Ahlin.

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