Saturday, May 18, 2013

Equilibrium: Clean and Modern WP Portfolio Theme

Equilibrium: Clean and Modern WP Portfolio Theme - Portfolio Creative

Equilibrium is a very powerful and a highly customizable WordPress portfolio theme, aimed at anyone who needs a showcase. If you’re looking for a gorgeous portfolio theme, then you’ve just found it.

You have full control over every major design element in the Equilibrium theme, but the most important thing is that it’s incredibly easy to customize everything, with the help of a powerful admin panel.

Have lots of fun working with the theme, if you end up buying it, and if you ever get stuck on anything, rest assured that you’re going to get the help of a professional, if and when you need it, because Equilibrium comes with excellent customer support.

Theme Updates

  • Dec 06 2012 — added the CSS3 styles for IE10.

  • Jul 23 2012 — Minor bug fixes.

  • Feb 14 2012 — Minor bug fix with text formatting in emails and the addition of an option that enables setting only the background color for the theme, without having to set the background image as well.

  • Jan 06 2012 — Minor bug fix.

  • Dec 17 2011 — Minor bug fixes and the extension of portfolio items to hold up to ten images each, instead of five.

  • Nov 13 2011 — A minor bug fix related to the IE8 browser.

  • Oct 16 2011 — Minor bug fixes and discontinuation of support for the Google Buzz link because buzz is being shut down by Google.

  • Oct 05 2011 — Addition of LinkedIn and Google+ social-networking links/icons and minor bug fixes

  • Sep 06 2011 — Minor bug fixes

Theme Features

  • Carefully handcrafted

  • Semantic, clean and valid HTML5

  • Coded with progessive enhancement and SEO in mind

  • Strong focus on user-experience, usability, and beautiful typography

  • WordPress 3.0+ ready (featured images, custom post types, custom menus)

  • Extensive, unbranded theme options

  • Excellent customer support

  • Extensive documentation

  • Localisation support

  • 4 custom widgets: Twitter, Flickr, Popular Posts, Text Widget (customized For embedding videos, images, and other content.)

  • 6 Widget areas

  • 5 Page Templates

  • Custom patterns

  • Filterable portfolio

  • Column, google map, and contact form shortcodes

  • 2, 3, 4 column portfolios (supports video)

  • jQuery ajax contact form

  • jQuery prettyPhoto lightbox

  • Awesome jQuery slider

  • Readable and well-documented code

  • Threaded comments

  • Drop-down menus

  • Custom default gravatar support

  • layered PSDs for customisation

  • Custom 404 page

  • 960gs framework

  • Print-ready stylesheet

  • TimThumb php script for image resizing

Need support?

First of all, thank you so much for purchasing one of my themes. I really appreciate it.

All support is handled via a dedicated support forum, available at, so please head out there, and open up a ticket, in case you have any questions, and I will do my utmost to reply in a timely fashion.

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