Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Apolo - Fullscreen Video & Image Background +Audio

Apolo - Fullscreen Video & Image Background +Audio - Photography Creative

Fullscreen Video & Image Background wordpress theme, also with a Image Slider Background.
Perfect for photographers, designers, directors or companies wishing to display their work in an elegant and modern way without complications.


  • Fullscreen Video Background Support

  • Fullscreen HTML5 Video Background Support

  • Fullscreen Images Background Support

  • Audio Background while viewing images

  • 40+ Cufon Font to choose

  • YouTube & Vimeo Support

  • Fullscreen Galleries

  • HTML5 & CSS3

  • 30+ Shortcodes

  • Amazing Shortcode Generator

  • Translate Ready

  • Portfolio & Slider Custom Post Types

  • Real Support for Facebook & Twitter

  • Sidebar Generator

  • AJAX Contact Form

  • Video Documentation

  • Custom Widgets

  • Google Map Integration

  • jQuery Drop-down menu

  • Wordpress 3 Menu support

  • PSD files included

  • Much More…

Now with Vimeo and HTML5 Video Support

Works with iPhone and iPad *

Don’t forget to check out the FAQ

*Note: In order to ensure the best possible user experience on iOS devices (iPhone and iPad), Apple has placed some stringent controls on how video can be viewed and controlled on these devices.

  • Video cannot be viewed in context on the iPhone – video is always viewed in fullscreen in the native playback application.

  • Video cannot be started programmatically – users must click on the screen to trigger playback. Additionally, no visual elements sitting over the < video > will receive click events while the video is visible (playing or paused).

  • Volume can only be controlled via the built-in controlbar and the device controls.

The theme is not optimized for iPhone or iPad but has a fallback so that they can watch videos on these devices.

Theme Updates

Version 1.0 – 02/12/2011

  • Released

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