Tuesday, June 4, 2013

It's Brain - premium admin theme

It's Brain - premium admin theme - Admin Templates Site Templates

New 2.0 version is out now

It’s Brain theme has been updated. Current version: 2.0.


  • Input limiter plugin

  • Tags input plugin

  • Placeholder plugin

  • Chosen plugin – styled dropdowns with search

  • Usual form validation

  • Masked input plugin

  • OrderBars plugin for flot charts

  • Autocomplete


  • Changed jquery library to the latest 1.7.1 version

  • Restructured .js files

  • Moved charts parameters to separated files and added them only on those pages where they need

  • For easy navigation and turning on/off plugins, all of them were moved to the related folders.

  • Recoded the general code for forms and UI elements, now both of them have the same width

  • Fixed autotabs widths

  • Updated top user navigation dropdown

  • Completely removed smartWizard plugin

  • Fixed padding and margin for some elements

  • Fixed tabs height in the light version

  • Updated filter elements in dual select boxes

  • Some fixes for responsive layout

  • Fixed bottom elements and dynamic table in general for responsive layout

  • Removed fileInput plugin and added uniform plugin for single file uploader

  • and more…



Its Brain – new premium admin theme with lots of different features:

  • Fixed and Liquid 2 columns layout

  • Integrated Flot charts

    • Lines

    • Bars

    • Pies

  • Form elements:

    • Default text input fields with placeholder, autofocus, on hover tooltip, read only, disabled, with maximum length and predefined value.

    • Textarea with fixed height and autogrowing feature

    • Filtering data rows with filters – letters only, numbers only, regular expressions, alpha only, auto converting to uppercase characters.

    • Dropdown and select lists

    • Spinner with mousewheel support: simple number input, decimal, currency, inline data, inline data with links

    • Checkboxes and radio buttons

    • File uploader with auto select of HTML version, which your current browser supports (HTML4/HTML5). For HTML5 version there is a drag-n-drop function, progress bar, file size and multi select, for HTML4 – it’s a usual single file uploader with status bar.

    • WYSIWYG editor

    • Integrated validation engine

    • 3 label position versions

  • Interface elements:

    • 4 color styles for statistic buttons

    • UI sliders: usual, with increments, with fixed minimum, with fixed maximum, range slider, multiple vertical sliders

    • Usual date picker

    • Inline date picker

    • Color picker

    • 10 types of AJAX loaders

    • Progress bars: usual one, with percentages and timer, with percentages and timer + delay on start

    • 7 button colors: light grey, red, green, blue, grey/blue, sea, black

    • Growl notification: sticky, basic, with header, long live message

    • 2 types of tabs: as a widget or full width area

    • 2 breadcrumbs types: static and with auto hiding

    • Modal alert boxes: usual alert, confirmation dialog, prompt dialog, dialog with HTML support

    • 4 notification messages: warning, success, error, information

    • Custom pagination

    • 4 tooltip directions: south, north, west, east

  • Code view with syntax highlighting

  • 4 unordered list icons with 4 colors for each icon

  • 5 types of tables styling: dynamic table with search, pagination and sorting; usual static table; table, integrated into tabs; table with info button on the header right side; table with resizable columns

  • Calendar with schedule

  • Images gallery

  • 11 widgets: latest orders; latest support tickets; accordion; toggles group; tabs; widget with AJAX loader; collapsible block closed and opened by default; website statistics; user details widget; custom search widget

  • File manager

  • 300+ icons in 2 sizes; buttons with icons

  • Organized contacts list

  • 5 error pages and Website is offline page

  • Login page with validation

  • 5 background images for your choice

For those who will buy an extended licence i’ll make design and code modifications for FREE


Version 1.0 released

Version 1.1


  • Wizard

  • Time picker

  • Dark version

Version 1.2


  • Liquid layout

Version 1.3


  • 135 color icons

  • Dual select boxes with filter

  • Usual styled single file input

Version 1.4


  • jQuery UI dialog with styles

  • Responsive layout

  • prettyPhoto lightbox plugin

  • Fixed some bugs

Version 1.5


  • New Uniform plugin for forms styling, instead of jqTransform

  • Added styles for dynamic table select box

Version 1.6


  • New wizard with validation

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 2.0 released


  • Input limiter plugin

  • Tags input plugin

  • Placeholder plugin

  • Chosen plugin – styled dropdowns with search

  • Usual form validation

  • Masked input plugin

  • OrderBars plugin for flot charts

  • Autocomplete


  • Changed jquery library to the latest 1.7.1 version

  • Restructured .js files

  • Moved charts parameters to separated files and added them only on those pages where they need

  • For easy navigation and turning on/off plugins, all of them were moved to the related folders.

  • Recoded the general code for forms and UI elements, now both of them have the same width

  • Fixed autotabs widths

  • Updated top user navigation dropdown

  • Completely removed smartWizard plugin

  • Fixed padding and margin for some elements

  • Fixed tabs height in the light version

  • Updated filter elements in dual select boxes

  • Some fixes for responsive layout

  • Fixed bottom elements and dynamic table in general for responsive layout

  • Removed fileInput plugin and added uniform plugin for single file uploader

  • and more…

Full list of changes see in documentation

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